About Our Church

Simpson UMC is a community of faith rooted in sharing the love and grace of God to all we encounter.
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Our Mission & Vision

At Simpson our mission is to be a people who celebrate God’s love, seek to live as Christ’s disciples, and share Christ with the world.

Simpson United Methodist Church is an open and inclusive place where all people are accepted and shown God’s unconditional love.  From our humble beginnings in 1882 we have followed in the theological tradition that descends from John Wesley. We welcome you to become a part of the church family.  

Mission & Purpose

We have diverse and rich programs which provide educational stimulation for people of all ages and connect people with each other and God. Our congregation is a place of hospitality, inclusion and acceptance where people from diverse backgrounds, life styles, races and classes are welcomed and respected; where there is a sensitivity to the needs of all; and where all can experience a sense of belonging.  We are involved in social outreach activities putting love into action. Simpson hopes to be a community of effective stewards, giving back to God to make things happen and to fulfill God’s mission in this place. Ultimately, we are a community on a journey with God, a community of faith on a journey of spiritual openness and growth.


Our Team


Our Beliefs

Our Beliefs & Values

Simpson United Methodist Church follows in the theological tradition that descends from John Wesley.  Some of the most important ideas that shape our beliefs include: 

Grace of God

The defining characteristic of God is an active love that reaches out to us before we are even aware of it.  Although we are all called to respond to that grace in our own way with our own gifts.  We believe it is God’s spirit that empowers all that we have and all that we do.

Inclusion of All

Jesus’ practice was radical hospitality.  We therefore believe that no one is outside the grace of God.  One expression of this is our open communion table where all people are welcome regardless of age, race, gender, denominational affiliation or sexual identity.

Practice of Faith

Salvation is not simply a one time experience.  It is a process of growth.  Our goal is to become people who love God and neighbor.  We follow the Spirit as we learn to become more like Christ in everything we do.

Importance of Balance

Methodism is sometimes called a “both/and church.”  We tend not to elevate one aspect of life at the expense of another, but we seek to bring them into dialogue.  We talk about faith and works, body and spirit, peace and justice, personal holiness and social holiness.  To understanding our calling as disciples of Christ we use scripture, tradition, reason and experience.

Transformation of the World

Jesus came to proclaim the kingdom of God.  He demonstrated the ways of that kingdom by offering food, healing and forgiveness to all. We likewise seek to live as Christ did by reaching out to those in need through projects reaching out to those facing hunger, disaster and disease, as well as offering hope to those who hunger in spirit for new meaning in their lives.

I build on Christ, the rock of ages; on his sure mercies described in his word, and on his promises, all which I know are yea and amen.

– John Wesley

Who We Are

Our Team & Leadership

Our team is made of a diverse group of staff and volunteers who all share a deep love of Jesus and a deep love for others. We seek to guide Simpson for God’s purpose and to fulfill our mission.

Our Pastor: Rev. Danielle Estelle Ramsay

Our Pastor: Rev. Danielle Estelle Ramsay

Pastor | pastor@simpsonumc.org

Rev. Danielle Estelle Ramsay was born and raised in Spokane, just a short skip from Pullman. She felt called to ordained ministry when she was a preteen and has heeded God’s call in her life ever since. Danielle received her Bachelors in Theology from Whitworth University and her Master of Divinity from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Danielle is an Elder in Full Connection in the United Methodist Church, ordained at the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference in June 2023. She has served churches in the Seven Rivers District since 2019. She is excited to be in Inland District, closer to home. Danielle lives with her spouse, Barry, her daughter, Stella, and their dog and cat. She loves reading, writing, walking her dog, and playing with Stella. Email Pastor Danielle at pastor@simpsonumc.org.

Jason McDougall

Directory of Music Ministry


Cyndi Arbour

Director of Handbell Choir


Penny Lipinski

Office Administrator


325 NE Maple St
Pullman, WA 99163